Growing Squash Plants

There are two types of squash, summer squash and winter squash. What mainly separates them is winter squash has a much loner storage life than summer squash. Some winter squashes can keep in the right condition for up to 4 months. While your summer squashes will only keep for a few weeks in the fridge.

Common summer squashes (patty pans, zucchini, yellow longneck, etc.) have a busy growth habit. The fruit begins forming at the base of the stem and continues developing up the stalk as the plant grows. We stake ours and prune the leaves below the harvested fruits. This allows us to increase our production by 3 times the amount and get about 3 more weeks of growth from the plant.

Just like summer squash, winter squash like to be planted just above the root system. Don’t cover any of the plants with soil. Your common winter squashes (acorn, butternut, spaghetti, etc.) usually grows on long, rambling vines. We highly recommend you trellis these a lot like you would peas. You will produce more fruit with less disease. It also makes them easier for harvesting and pruning.

If we didn’t answer all your questions with this basic guide or you need a more in depth guide, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


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