Our Story

Tallulah Farm is a family owned and operated market farm. We take a minimal till and high density planting approach on just half of an acre of land. Everything we practice here is done on a human scale. This allows us to be better connected to and focused on the health of our soil to grow the very best, natural food this land can possibly produce.

Tallulah Farm uses no chemicals in the growth of our plants or to eliminate pests in the field. We believe that Mother Nature knows what she is doing and we are only here to assist her in the growth of our food.


In 2018 our family decided to start growing our own food for a few reasons. We wanted to be more connected to the food we were preparing for our family, and to know the truth about where it came from and how it was produced. We have always had a place in our hearts for preparing food, but not so much the food itself until we started to produce our own. Being more self-sustainable and being able to teach our children this serene way of life quickly became a goal for us. Along the way, we really started to fall in love with this way of life and wanted to share the idea with our friends, family, and community. Since 2020, we have taken on the market side of farming and tried our best to provide a wide variety of natural herbs, fruits, and vegetables to our local community, and help anyone who seeks this sound way of life.